

We at Body Care Health & Chiropractic specialise in Chiropractic care for all ages from pregnancy & infants, to aged & palliative care, as well as sports injury and ex-military.

Lower Cross Syndrome

What is Lower Cross Syndrome?

This is a common postural condition that affects the pelvis, hips and lower back muscles. It is an arch back posture is created causing the stomach and buttocks to stick out in an exaggerated position.



Lower crossed syndrome is commonly the result of a sedentary lifestyle, eg sitting at a desk for long periods of time, spending a lot of time watching tv or on the computer, or other activities that involve prolonged sitting.

The syndrome occurs when an imbalance is created between the muscular strength of the lower back, hips and pelvis. Typically, the hip flexors and lower back extensor muscles are overactive and tight, while the abdominal and gluteal muscles are underactive and weak.



Pain in the lower back is one of the main symptoms.


How do Chiropractors diagnosis this syndrome?

Our Chiropractors at Body Care Health & Chiropractic would use several methods to diagnose. A physical exam involving observation and a range of Orthopaedic tests are involved, where your Chiropractor will evaluate your pelvic positioning to determine whether your back and pelvis are tilted.



As with everyone that comes into the clinic of Body Care Health & Chiropractic, a treatment plan is created specifically for you and your body. This would involve techniques to correct the tilt of the pelvis, massage and stretching to help relax the overactive muscles and strengthening exercises to activate the weaker muscles.



If you live a sedentary lifestyle, you should try to mix it up a bit when possible. Eg, if you sit at a desk for work, perhaps a standup desk would be a good idea, or even setting yourself an alert on your phone to remind you to go for a 2 minute walk every 20 minutes. Practice good form and posture, moving regularly.


If you would like more information or would like to book an appointment to check if you have Lower Cross Syndrome, contact us today at Body Care Health & Chiropractic.

P: 0409 0712 075

E: felicity@bodycarechiro.com.au


Author: Dr Felicity Ede (Chiropractor)